
Dating is not a known easy experience, at any age the process of dating can be monotonous and terrifying. What of those who are just starting out? Like the lopsided newborn trying to crawl, dating for twenty somethings is beyond the average terrifying experience. I am 23 years old and have been attempting to date seriously since I was 18. I am no specialty in this case either, the majority of my friends all started dating at the same time as I, and now three years later, some are engaged, others (including me) are single, and a few are stuck in a limbo. So what is dating like in your twenties, what are the lessons learned, and how do we dust ourselves off from bad relationships and bad dates?

These are the years of firsts, in dating this is no exception. Our first love, first kiss, first time being dumped. All of these firsts are established in your twenties. This is the time to be as awkward as possible in order to fully develope into that person you are meant to become. So I begin this blog with a simple message, let yourself be awkward. Make the mistakes in dating now for the lessons you may learn from them. I'm here to to tell you it is going to be all okay. I would now like to continue by sharing stories, lessons, ideas and facts all about dating in your twenties.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Top 10 Best Dates in Salt Lake City

Lets face it, up until now I have been a bit serious. With all this talk of online dating and Catfishing I am getting depressed. In order to change the mood I would like to shine a light on the exciting part of dating, those first dates. The magical moment when everything is new and exciting. as Jen Glantz so wonderfully states in her Huffington Post article, "Your awkward dates and your late-night mistakes and the "I can't wait to come home and tell you what happened tonight" text messages are the experiences that'll keep you laughing throughout the rest of your life." Its all true of course, the dating life in these years can and many times are tough, but guess what, it can all still be so much fun. After all, the best time to be single is in your twenties. There are plenty of reasons why this is the case, I'll let you learn that along the way. I am telling you one of them right now, dating. Dating is one of the best parts about single life, and in fact it is one of the best reasons to stay single.

So turn the frown upside down, because now I am going to share with you my favorite dates and locations in Salt Lake City (since I'm a local of course). According to Forbes Magazine, Salt Lake City if one of the best places for single people. A local, Jennifer Ellen Thompson, 32, owner and instructor at Sonic Yoga said, "There are so many different activities where you can meet so many amazing interesting, like-minded people: people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle who don't necessarily have marriage as the endgame in mind." Check out my map of Salt Lake and try some of these places out on your next date. 

(Photo shared from Flickr showing the vast city of Salt Lake city from a point just as high as 'the lookout' as pointed out in my map)

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